Wrenaissance Art, v. 2025


I’m Wren Allen, and I hope you’ll enjoy visiting my online studio here at Wren Allen’s New Mexico Wildflowers!

Hello again! My name is Wren Allen, and I’ve been blogging more off than on since 2002. I’m a botanical artist, enjoying life in the Desert Southwest. Welcome to my site!
When I first started blogging back in 2002, I was working as a production manager at a Houston technical publishing firm, hoping to pursue free-lance design opportunities. Wrenaissance Art was the name for my would-be design brand (hey! the early ‘00s were full of cutesy blog names.) Today, I’m a botanical artist living in the high desert of north-central New Mexico, and my Instagram account, @newmexicowildflowers, has been active since I moved here in late 2012. Since the natural history and beauty of New Mexico and the Desert Southwest are my main sources of inspiration, it only makes since to also title my blog, New Mexico Wildflowers.

I plan to post here mostly about life in the studio, current projects, and thoughts and insights about art. I also occasionally blog about interesting New Mexico/ Southwest places and events over at Substack—New Mexico Wildflowers.

I look forward to sharing my adventures with you. Enjoy looking around the site as I refresh my portfolio and blog.

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